Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week Twenty - Significant Others

Write a bit about your relationship history. 

  • How has your taste in partners changed as you have matured?
  •  What recurring themes do you see over time? 
  • What would you like to change?  
  • Choose some aspect of significant other relationships to write about each day.

Week Nineteen - Decision Making

Some of us make decisions quickly and some of us take a long time. What type are you? This week look for some examples of decisions you've made quickly and some you've taken a long time to think about. 

How have they worked out in the long run? 

What is your best style to make decisions?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week Seventeen - The Past

Think back to your childhood this week. 
  • What events stand out? 
  • How have they impacted your life today? 
  • Choose a different one each day and see what conclusions you come to. Write about what you learned.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week Sixteen - Self Acceptance

Living in a state of self-acceptance is a peaceful place to be. I know from much previous experience what it is like to not feel that much of myself was acceptable. I was pretty ok with my smile and I thought I must be fairly intelligent although I never seemed to make much of a success of anything and a pretty good mom.

Today, after many years of work on myself, I pretty much 'can do no wrong'. That does not mean I don't make mistakes or need to accept responsibility for them. It means that when I make them, I don't beat myself up or do other harm to me or anyone else. I accept. I learn. I move on.

Scary topic for many. Not so for others. 
  • How do you come by self-acceptance? 
  • What about yourself do you find unacceptable? 
  • What are you motivated to change? 
  • How might you do it?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Week Fifteen - Aspects of anger

Anger is a big topic. Some of us feel lots of anger. Some of us have a hard time acknowledging that we feel it all.

In my family, it seemed to me that only my mother was 'allowed' to get angry. I decided that anger was scary and I didn't want to be like my mother who seemed to have way too much of it.
  • How do you handle anger?
  • Describe what it was like in your home growing up when it came to anger.
What do you notice when you go back and read what your wrote?