Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week Six - Can people change?

You know lots of people in your life. Some appear to never change. Some seem like they change all the time.

As coaches and from our own lives, we definitely know from profound personal experience that people can change. We have - usually quite dramatically.

This week look back over your life and recall those including yourself who have made a transformational change.  
  • What do you observe? 
  • Are there any common themes that you notice?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week Five - Wishes and Dreams

If you could do, have or be anything you wanted to, what would it look like? 
  • In your career? 
  • In your relationships? 
  • In all areas of your life? 

Focus on your dreams this week.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week Four - What does it mean to "grow spiritually"?


Following is a quote that has great meaning and important implications.
...the psyche is always trying to teach the conscious self things it needs to know to become healthier and happier and to grow spiritually.   The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

How do you think this is applicable in life? In your life? It's a big and deep topic. Think about the ways this has been true or is true in your life. Write some examples.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week Three - Do you know what your needs are?


Some examples of human needs besides the basics of food and shelter are:
  • the need for intimacy, 
  • the need to know and be known, 
  • the need for meaning, 
  • the need for autonomy 
  • and many, many others.
This week, start by listing your needs.
  • See if looking at your needs is hard or easy.
  • Ask yourself if your needs are being fulfilled.
  • What needs are not being fulfilled?
  • Whether it seems possible or not, how can you get those needs fulfilled? Pretend you have the power. What would it look like?