Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week Thirty-seven - Being you - Part 1

I've never met a woman who does not find some part of being them difficult. For example, I have a very fussy and sensitive body. So there are many things that I need for my comfort. When it comes to sleep, I need sheets that feel a certain way, a pillow and mattress that is just the thing for me.
There's more but I think it's clear that when one has a sensitive body, there are repercussions. Some people see me as humorous. Some see me as annoying. And those are the ones I know about.

Well, I've been sensitive to people's opinions because I had such damaged self-esteem. After many experiences and working on myself, I have learned that I am who I am and I am worthy of whatever I need. I've learned also that I am quite fortunate because I cannot really ignore my physical needs for long and that is keeping me healthy as I age. I am sure there is more but this topic is for you.

What are the most difficult parts about being you? You could choose one aspect yourself or many to write about.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Week Thirty-Six - Mirror, mirror

Look at yourself in the mirror and describe what you see. Notice if you are critical or non-judgmental.
You might try each day this week try focusing on a different feature - your face, your nose, your body, your hair, your boobs, your skin - and write about the experience.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week Thirty-five - Making mistakes

How do you react when you realize you've made a mistake? 
Do you beat yourself up? 
Do you adjust? 
Do you learn from the mistake? 

Each day this week look at the things you have done that you consider mistakes and see what you've done with that experience. Include what the mistake was; why you consider it a mistake; what the results are and did you over react.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week Thirty-four - Who inspires you?

Certain people inspire us. I am inspired by those people who overcome difficult things in their lives and live their dreams. I am inspired, for example, by Oprah who overcame a very challenging childhood and is certainly living her dreams and helping and inspiring millions. I am also inspired by some of the members of this community who have honestly looked at themselves and the ways they have adjusted or not adjusted to life and change and thereby create lives of great fulfillment.

Who inspires you the most, and why? Each time you journal this week, choose another. They can be alive or dead - even fictional.